
How Much Do Solar Panels Cost To Install?

by | Jan 12, 2025 | Building costs, Building new

Solar panels are an amazing investment for your new build, as they can save money on bills in the long run, and many who choose to put them on their homes often see an increase in curbside appeal for potential buyers! Before, solar panels were reserved for only the most expensive homes and businesses, but in recent years the prices have decreased quite substantially to allow for more people to benefit from them!

But is this within your budget? How much can you expect to pay if you want to add solar panels to your home? Today we’re looking to answer all of your burning questions about solar panels, so keep reading to learn more!

What are the key factors impacting solar panel costs?

key factors impacting solar panel costs

Type of solar panels

The type of solar panel you choose will impact the overall cost. Like with most things, there are plenty of brands to choose from when buying your solar panels, so make sure you shop around and find the best ones for you. It might be tempting to choose the cheapest brand right off the bat, but you also need to consider whether the cheaper brand is going to cost more in maintenance and energy prices in the long run. it might be worth buying a more expensive brand to begin with so you can save money the longer you use your solar panels. 

Characteristics your roof

The majority of solar panels will go on your roof, so the characteristics of your home and roof matter when it comes to the cost of panels. For example, if your roof is south-facing and gets plenty of sun, you might not need to buy so many solar panels to store as much energy as you would if you were placing them all on a facing roof. 

Also, the type of roof you have will determine whether a solar panel can be installed or not. Weaker roofs, such as thatched roofs, might not be able to hold the weight of a solar panel, so you’ll need to get them installed elsewhere. 

Labour costs

Just like there are many different brands of solar panels to choose from, you can also choose from plenty of solar panel installers. Most will have set rates for their services, but these differ depending on your area and their expertise. Look for an installer who will offer a premium warranty and who has great reviews on similar work. They might charge more to begin with, but we can all agree that a job done right will save you a lot more time and money in the long run.

Typical solar panel cost in Australia

Typical solar panel cost in Australia

The price of your solar panels will depend on whether you’re going for average models or premium alternatives, and is influenced by where you live and the size of your solar panels. Here is how much you might expect to pay depending on the area where you live: 

Adelaide, SA

For standard solar panels in Adelaide, you can expect to pay between $3,850 for 3 kW and $8,480 for 10 kW.

For premium solar panels, the average price is between $4,830 for 3 kW and $10,560 for 10 kW.

Brisbane, QLD

For standard solar panels in Brisbane, you can expect to pay between $3,800 for 3 kW and $8,400 for 10 kW.

For premium solar panels, the average price is between $5,120 for 3 kW and $11,320 for 10 kW.

Canberra, ACT

For standard solar panels in Canberra, you can expect to pay between $4,240 for 3 kW and $8,270 for 10 kW.

For premium solar panels, the average price is between $5,270 for 3 kW and $9,610 for 10 kW.

Darwin, NT

For standard solar panels in Darwin, you can expect to pay between $4,730 for 3 kW and $13,060 for 10 kW.

For premium solar panels, the average price is between $4,930 for 3 kW and $15,460 for 10 kW.

Hobart, TAS

For standard solar panels in Hobart, you can expect to pay between $4,490 for 3 kW and $10,300 for 10 kW.

For premium solar panels, the average price is between $5,300 for 3 kW and $11,600 for 10 kW.

Melbourne VIC

For standard solar panels in Melbourne, you can expect to pay between $3,720 for 3 kW and $7,850 for 10 kW.

For premium solar panels, the average price is between $5,010 for 3 kW and $10,240 for 10 kW.

Sydney, NSW

For standard solar panels in Sydney, you can expect to pay between $4,070 for 3 kW and $7,980 for 10 kW.

For premium solar panels, the average price is between $5,360 for 3 kW and $11,090 for 10 kW.

Perth, WA

For standard solar panels in Perth, you can expect to pay between $3,580 for 3 kW and $9,650 for 10 kW.

For premium solar panels, the average price is between $4,720 for 3 kW and $12,180 for 10 kW.

How many solar panels do I need?

Of course, the number of solar panels you need will also influence the overall cost. How many panels you choose to install all depends on the overall size of the system you want. 

For example, a typical 6.6 kW system can be made up of between 15 and 20 panels. This is the number of panels typically recommended to power the average Australian home. However, there are plenty of things that can influence how many solar panels you need, including: 

  • How much sun your property gets every day
  • How much electricity you use in a given day
  • Your budget
  • How much space your roof has available
  • Whether or not you’re planning to get a solar battery
  • Your future energy plans

The size of solar panel you choose will generate different amounts of energy every day, and you need a system that can keep up with your spending. For example, according to data published by the Australian power regulator in 2020, the average three-person household consumes approximately 18.71 kWh per day. 

You can match how much energy your household consumes with how much energy each solar panel system provides to find out how many panels you need. 

For example, in Victoria, a 3 kW solar panel system will produce 10.8 kWh. In comparison, a 10 kW solar panel system has the potential to produce up to 36 kWh, but you might not need such a significant system if your household doesn’t use that much energy in a day. 

Find out more about how many panels you might need by using the solar panel calculator here.

Breakdown of specific solar panel types

Breakdown of specific solar panel types

Monocrystalline solar panels

Monocrystalline solar panels are usually the most expensive as they are made from solar cells created from a single crystal. This makes these solar panels super beneficial with incredible performance, and they have an overall efficiency of between 17 and 22%. 

Polycrystalline solar panels

Polycrystalline panels are slightly less expensive as the cells come from silicone fragments rather than a single pure silicon crystal. This makes manufacturing costs lower and therefore they can be priced more competitively, but they come with a lower efficiency of between 15 and 17%. 

Thin-film solar panels

Thin-film solar panels are portable and flexible, and often see people taking them out and about with them. This makes them less common to be used on new builds, but if you’re looking for something cost-effective or have an unconventional roof style that won’t work with traditional panels, they can be quite a resilient option.

What are the benefits of solar panels?

benefits of solar panels

There are several benefits to installing solar panels on your new build, like: 

  • They can reduce your electricity bill by a huge amount if you’re able to replace mains electricity with a renewable source
  • You can reduce your carbon footprint by using clean and sustainable energy
  • Using renewable energy like solar can also help to reduce air pollution
  • The majority of solar panels are easy to install, so they won’t take up too much of your time
  • Adding solar panels to your new build can greatly improve your curbside appeal
  • If you install a solar battery, you can save unused energy as a backup system should you ever find yourself without power in an emergency
  • As long as you use the correct size of the solar system, you’ll be saving money and can even sell your unused solar back to the grid!

Our tips for managing the costs of your solar panels

tips for managing the costs of your solar panels

Solar panels can be a hefty investment, but think of it this way: short-term pain, long-term gain. Here are a few ways you can manage the cost of your solar panels: 

  • Keep a record of how much energy your household uses on a daily basis to determine the size of your solar system, and make sure you don’t buy one that is too big for your needs
  • Use a trusted installation company with great reviews and customer testimonials on similar work
  • Make sure you position your solar panels on a slanted roof where they can get the most sun exposure during the day
  • Use a solar panel brand who are known for its reputable customer service and long-lasting products, and always look for a great warranty
  • Remember that you can always start off with one solar panel, and add to your system if you need to in the future


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